Eating Heaven

Host: Jenny Penner
Book:Eating Heaven by Jennie Shortridge
Meeting Date: February 2, 2008
Meeting Time: TBD
Meeting Location: Angel's Camp, CA

Nothing gets Eleanor Samuels's heart racing like a double scoop of mocha fudge chunk. Sure, the magazine writer may have some issues aside from food, but she isn't quite ready to face them. Then her beloved Uncle Benny falls ill, and what at first seems scary and daunting becomes a blessing in disguise. Because while she cooks and cares for him-and enjoys a delicious flirtation with a new chef in town-Eleanor begins to uncover some long-buried secrets about her emotionally frayed family and may finally get the chance to become the woman she's always wanted to be.

7 out of 11 members voted.
14% gave this book 5 stars
57% gave this book 4 stars
28% gave this book 3 stars


Anonymous said...

Has anyone started reading the book? I just got my copy in today from Amazon. I can't believe how cheap Amazon is. $4.99 are you out of your mind.

Anonymous said...

I just ordered it today. I got it for $1.99 on

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh $1.99. That's crazy. How much was shipping?

Anonymous said...

Dang! $4.99? $1.99?!?

Sheesh... I feel like a fool, I ordered mine from Borders for $13 something... nuts!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you Lisa. I got my $13.95 copy at Borders also. :(

I'm enjoying the book so far!!

Anonymous said...

I finished the book while in Cabo. It was pretty good. Did anyone else finish?

Anonymous said...

I haven't picked up my copy yet so I had to wait for Christa to finish before I could start. I'm planning on reading this weekend...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe these people who read books in one day! I can't read that much in one day!!! I finished the book a while ago and already started the book that I will probably pick for this month. I decided that I wanted a book that was an easy, carefree read. I am not much in researching books so don't get too excited about the next book.

I already started getting our food for breakfast!!!